Thermometer vs Logger – Which Works Best?

What if I told you that Dataloggers are the best when going up against a thermometer what would you say? I want to show you the facts, let’s break it down to understand what you are getting in each temperature device so that you can make your own executive decision.

We can consider that there are a host of different industries Data loggers are used in, a vast range of commercial settings from agriculture to factories, medical industry to dairy plants. So, what will work best for you?

What is a Temperature Data Logger?

It is a data logging device, that is used to accurately record temperature in real-time, directly to a pc, smart device, or laptop, ensuring critical operations go ahead safely, and in turn, avoid spoilage of sensitive products. So, reporting takes place electronically, and therefore immediately, allowing swift decision-making and proactive management of the cold chain systems.

What is a Thermometer?

It is a digital hand-held thermometer used to measure temperature. Manual recordings may be taken by an operator using these instruments. There may be a delay in reporting. This means that the action to rectify incorrect temperatures, faulty cold storage units, or a breakdown in the cold chain will take some time after the event.

What are the advantages of using a data logger?


The latest data loggers can display multiple measurements simultaneously. If fitted with additional sensors, you can monitor two locations at the same time for comparative data analysis. Data loggers provide accurate readings where sometimes the setting is not ideal for handheld industrial thermometers.

What are the disadvantages of a thermometer?


Thermometers can measure temperatures accurately, but the readings must still be collected, recorded, and interpreted manually by human operators.

When compared with data loggers, thermometers do not incorporate automated recording functions. Data loggers conduct precision readings at user-defined intervals without the need for human-operator intervention.

What does this mean? Dataloggers eliminate the need for manual recording and periodic readings. This curbs the issue of incorrect data recording and possible missed or even manipulated readings by operators.

Temperature readings are paramount in industries that require precision readings, and where even small errors could have disastrous effects, such as food manufacturing or pharmaceuticals.

You have the option of CONTINUOUS MONITORING with Dataloggers

Manual monitoring using thermometers has its limitations, providing at best a moment-to-moment snapshot of environmental conditions, not a real-time picture. The reason is that the person doing the readings can only do so at certain times in each location and can only be in one place at a time.

By contrast, data loggers can work uninterrupted and deliver continuous real-time monitoring. This makes them a valuable choice in large facilities, where it would be wasteful to have staff stationed permanently to perform ongoing readings.

Then there are the AUTOMATED NOTIFICATIONS AND REPORTS with Dataloggers

Smart data loggers do more than just log temperature readings. These devices come with built-in alarms that can be programmed to send notifications by email, so the relevant people always know if the device is low on battery, the Wi-Fi is disconnected, or the logger needs to be recalibrated. People can also be alerted to anomalous readings in real-time, allowing swift action to prevent product spoilage.

Technology makes it possible for data loggers to be configured and send reports on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This is an additional benefit, as it can help improve accountability and compliance by having written records of the exact conditions in your facilities.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the different types of data loggers on the market.

This is why we are your trusted provider in the industry. PMI has been in the Industrial Thermometer industry since 1999, you can be sure our service and instruments go to the test of time. We are here to guide you in purchasing the right device for your needs.


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