Author Archives: Kim Wilkinson

Why & How with pH Meters

What is pH? pH is a measurement of how acidic or alkaline a solution is. [...]

Understanding HACCP

What is HACCP? HACCP is a health and safety guideline. Here are five basic principles [...]

Calibration Deep Dive

A thermometer used for food preparation and storage is required by HACCP to be calibrated. [...]

Purpose-Built Thermometers for HACCP

You need a reliable tool for each stage of your plan. From food storage and [...]

How can Typhoid Fever be Prevented in your Food Preparation area?

Typhoid fever is a concern here in South Africa, and not knowing if our running [...]

98% of PMI Customers are Food Safety Audited

Oh, My, Word! That’s how most of our customers approach Health & Safety Audit season. [...]

Maximising the Value of Every Cooking Oil Drop

In the face of surging vegetable oil prices, especially in South Africa, the need for [...]