pH Meter for Cheese-Making

Whether making cheese at home or working in a commercial cheese factory, testing the pH levels ensures consistent results and a safe end product for sale or personal consumption.

The ideal pH for most cheese types ranges between 5.1 and 5.7. To maintain pH levels, a pH meter is used. These are easy to use and provide accurate results for cheese making.

If you’re an avid cheese lover and have considered making your own cheese at home, you may have heard about the importance of using a pH meter during the cheese-making process. But the question remains: do you really need one?

Image of cheese

While some cheese makers swear by the use of a pH meter, others argue that it’s not necessary and can even be a hindrance to the cheese-making process. In this article, we’ll explore why you need a pH meter for cheese-making.

So whether you’re a seasoned cheese maker or just starting out, keep reading to learn more about the role of pH meters in cheese making

Uni pH Meter

What Are The Differences Between Commercial Cheese Making And DIY Cheese Making?

Cheese-making is an age-old tradition that has been practiced for centuries across the globe. While the basics of cheese making remain the same, the processes used in commercial cheese making and DIY cheese making can vary significantly.

During the first stage of cheese making, the milk is heated and then inoculated with bacteria or lactic acid. The pH of the milk at this stage is around 6.5 to 6.8, which is slightly acidic. As the bacteria or lactic acid ferment the milk, the pH drops and the milk becomes more acidic. This acidic environment is necessary for the milk proteins to coagulate and form curds, which are then separated from the whey.

After the curds have formed, they are cut and then heated again. The pH of the curds at this stage is critical, as it determines the texture of the cheese. If the pH is too low, the cheese will be dry and crumbly. If the pH is too high, the cheese will be soft and mushy.

Once the curds have been cut and heated, they are drained and then pressed into molds. The pH of the cheese at this stage is important as well because it determines the flavor of the cheese. The pH of the cheese can be adjusted by adding salt or acid. The addition of salt lowers the pH, while the addition of acid raises the pH. The ideal pH for most cheese types ranges between 5.1 and 5.7.

Finally, the cheese is aged, which further affects the pH and flavor of the cheese. During aging, the pH of the cheese drops, and the flavor becomes more complex. The ideal pH for aged cheese is around 4.5 to 5.3.

How To Test The pH Of Cheese?

The pH of cheese can be tested using a pH meter or litmus paper. A pH meter is a more accurate and reliable method of testing the pH of cheese, which is why commercial cheese-making processes always opt for a pH meter.

A pH meter uses a pH-sensitive electrode and a reference electrode to measure the electrical potential difference.

The pH meter is calibrated using buffer solutions of known pH values (typically pH 4.0, 7.0, and 10.0), and the cheese sample is placed in a container with distilled water to create a slurry.

The pH meter is then inserted into the slurry, and the reading is recorded.

Alternatively, litmus paper can also be used to test the pH of cheese, and this is more common with small DIY cheese-making processes. Litmus paper is a strip of paper that changes color depending on the pH of the substance being tested.

Image of pH Meter 8100

If there was ever a multifunction piece of equipment you needed in your home it is the pH Meter 8100. As standard this meter is supplied with an 823-500 pH electrode + a 180-101 temperature probe. Both can be inserted into the meter in separate ports at the same time and then inserted into the solution you’re testing for a comprehensive measurement. This machine can measure pH from 0-14pH with approximately 0.05 accuracy on the reader.

But how can this help me make cheese in my own kitchen?

During the cheese-making process, a thing known as lactic acid which is derived from lactose creates a very important part of the cheese. The cultures and curd. Between these two stages, the solution reaches the perfect point in acidity, and this can be measured easily with a pH Meter.

With a pH Meter like the one mentioned above if your levels are higher than 7.0 you have an alkaline solution, if it is lower than 7.0 you have an acidic solution.

Now what is the ideal pH for cheese?

You would need to be in the acidic area so lower than 7.0, so ideally you would need to be in and around the 5-6 pH mark.

Along with some other basic tools, this can assist your cheese-making experience to be the most optimal it can be at home.

This well-engineered machinery is however not limited to cheese. It can be used for any number of things you want to test the pH level of. It can even measure in temperatures up to 99.9.

Call us today to get your pH meter 011 728 6099

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